Son of Benjamin Sporague and Sarah Buckingham.
Md (1) Abigail M. Jackson, 13 Feb 1838, Laona, Chautaugua, New York.
Son of Samuel Curtis and Rachael DeVouw
Daughter of George Bissell and Lois Cone.
Daughter of Jonas Chapman and Susannah Peabody.
Son of Andrew Denison and Sally Williams.
FamilySearch showed this additional information:
Birth - Date: 21 Oct 1822 Place: ALBANY, ALBANY, NEW YORK
Died in Libby Prison during the Civil War. Unmarried.
Daughter of Jonah Chapman and Susannah Peabody.
FamilySearch showed this additional information:
Death - Date: 19 Dec 1888 Place: Guilderland, Alb Co, NY
Son of John Williams and Tryphenas Main.
FamilySearch showed this additional information:
Birth - Date: 6 Oct 1807 Place: Stonington, New London, Connecticut
FamilySearch showed this additional information:
Birth - Date: 1 May 1810 Place: Stonington, New London, Connecticut
FamilySearch showed this additional information:
Birth - Date: 14 Apr 1812 Place: Stonington, New London, Connecticut
FamilySearch showed this additional information:
Birth - Date: 5 Oct 1814 Place: Stonington, New London, Connecticut
FamilySearch showed this additional information:
Birth - Date: 29 May 1816 Place: Stonington, New London, Connecticut
FamilySearch showed this additional information:
Birth - Date: 18 Nov 1818 Place: Stonington, New London, Connecticut