Wounded at Fort Griswold, Conn., 6 Sept 1781, and died in captivity in New York.
Killed in the massacre of Fort Griswold, Conn.
He may have had four additional children.
Lost at sea in 1798.
1604. Benjamin Franklin STANTON
Died young.
Drowned off Nantucket.
1608. George Washington STANTON
Son of Joseph Stanton Anna Wheeler.
Father: Thomas Palmer Mother: Mary Rossiter
See Ephraim Miner file.
1629. Alexander Hamilton STANTON
Father: Jonathan Wheeler Mother: Anna Breed
Son of Nathan Gallup and Sarah Giddings.
None of the IGI sorces give a death date; so all ordinances were completed.
Bap. 31 Mar 1953
Eng 10 May 1954 Alberta
Another sourse, Dennison Miner, lists Hannah Page as a wife. She was born 11
July 1751. Source number:00124A8ARebecca, daughter of Jedediah Chesebrough and Maryor Molly Hancock; widow of Amos
Chesebrough. Md 8 Mar 1778.Daughter of Jedediah Chesebrough and Mary (Molly) Hancock.
Daughter of Nathaniel Williams and Abigail Eldredge.
FamilySearch showed this additional information:
Birth - Date: 5 Aug 1760 Place: Stonington, New London, ConneticutFamilySearch showed this additional information:
Birth - Date: 25 Aug 1768 Place: Stonington, New London, Conneticut