Died of Bright's Disease.
Daughter of Benjamin Pearson and Ruth Rand.
Eunice died of Consumption 16 May 1868.
Son of Guy Eaton and Margaret Manning.
Charles H. Eaton and 2nd wife, md. 1 Sep 1869, Laleah F. DeWolf resided in New Minas Nova Scotia
by whom he had seven children.
Died of Typhoid fever.
Daughter of Joseph and Jerusha Porter.
Eunice died of Typhoid Fever.
Daughter of Edward and Harriett Alley.
Md (1) Christy Boylen.
He was a carpenter.
Daughter of John Stewart and Grace Ross.
Son of John H. Sanborn and Eliza Page.
Son of Wentworth Wood and Eliza Ann Tupper.
. Melbourne, unmarried.
3163. Charles Guilford NEWCOMB
Line 619357 from GEDCOM File not recognizable or too long:
Daughter of Eliphalet and Sarah Thorpe, of Baxters Harbour, Nova Scotia.
Father: William Anderson Mother: Harriet Bishop