16518. Elsie M VIDITO (Caroline E BLIGH , Charlotte Ann PEOPLES , Eliza Ann DAVIS ) was born on 28 Aug 1891 in Cambridge, Middlesex, Massachusetts, United States. She died on 21 Mar 1964 in Norfolk, , Virginia, United States. She was buried in 1964 in Arlington, Virginia, United States.
Elsie married Clarence J BECKER on 8 May 1911 in Boston, Suffolk, Massachusetts, United States. Clarence was born in 1888 in New york. He died in 1932 in Virginia. He was buried in Fort Myer Arlington, Arlington County, Virginia, United States.
They had the following children.
16531. Myrtle Stanley HOOTON (Minnie Alice BLIGH , Charlotte Ann PEOPLES , Eliza Ann DAVIS ) was born 1 on 2 Jun 1892 in Cambridge, Middlesex, Massachusetts, United States. She died on 1 Oct 1964 in Massachusetts, United States.
Myrtle married William Thomas BANNON on 5 Aug 1915 in Arlington, Middlesex, Massachusetts, United States. William was born on 17 Oct 1889 in Medford, Middlesex, Massachusetts.
They had the following children.
+ 19470 M i Stanley William BANNON was born on 14 May 1916. He died on 10 Sep 1998. 19471 M ii Robert T BANNON. 19472 M iii George A BANNON. 19473 M iv Lawrence E BANNON. 19474 F v Sally Elizabeth BANNON was born on 25 Mar 1928 in Somerville, Middlesex, Massachusetts, United States. She died on 21 Aug 2007 in California, United States. Sally married Herbert James HARPER on 13 Nov 1949 in Boston, Suffolk, Massachusetts, United States. Herbert was born on 19 Mar 1923 in Medford, Middlesex, Massachusetts, United States. He died on 12 Apr 1991 in El Monte, Los Angeles, California, United States.
16536. Albert John "Jack" PRYOR (Jean Elizabeth MCELMON , John Avard MCELMON , Albert Edward MCELMON ).
Jack married Betty Ann NEMANISHEN.
They had the following children.
19475 F i Kendra Ann PRYOR. Kendra married Robert Bruce MANSON. 19476 F ii Cara Jacqueline PRYOR.
16538. Phillips Lynn SHEFFEY (Lila Thelma BAXTER , George Milford BAXTER , Sarah Jane MINER ).
Phillips married Patricia Ann NISSLY.
They had the following children.
16549. Sherrolyn Rae MASON (Gwen McLeod PATTERSON , Minnie Ray JOHNSON , Thomas Miner JOHNSON ).
Sherrolyn married Frederick Clemmons BRUNER.
They had the following children.
+ 19480 F i Lianne Kay BRUNER. 19481 F ii Karen Lynn BRUNER. Karen married James Blacklaw UPRIGHT.
16551. Judith Doyle DAVISON (Enid Elizabeth PATTERSON , Minnie Ray JOHNSON , Thomas Miner JOHNSON ).
Judith married Gerald Denis MCCARTHY.
They had the following children.
19482 F i Rochelle Rae MCCARTHY. 19483 F ii Kathleen Elise MCCARTHY.
16552. George Frederick DAVISON (Enid Elizabeth PATTERSON , Minnie Ray JOHNSON , Thomas Miner JOHNSON ).
George married Sheila Margaret PETRIE.
They had the following children.
19484 M i Ian Gordon DAVISON. 19485 F ii Andrea Elizabeth DAVISON.
16553. Jonathan Miner DAVISON (Enid Elizabeth PATTERSON , Minnie Ray JOHNSON , Thomas Miner JOHNSON ).
Jonathan married Wendy Lynn PATTERSON.
They had the following children.
19486 M i James Matthew DAVISON. 19487 M ii Peter John DAVISON. 19488 M iii Shawn Roger DAVISON.
16554. Patricia Elizabeth DAVISON (Enid Elizabeth PATTERSON , Minnie Ray JOHNSON , Thomas Miner JOHNSON ).
Patricia married James Alexander CAMPBELL.
They had the following children.
19489 F i Christene Elizabeth CAMPBELL. 19490 M ii Michael James CAMPBELL.
16555. Bruce Andrew TRITES (Margaret Jocelyn PATTERSON , Minnie Ray JOHNSON , Thomas Miner JOHNSON ).
Bruce married Carolyn Agnes HALKETT.
They had the following children.
19491 M i Andrew Halkett TRITES. 19492 M ii Stephen James TRITES.
16557. Margaret Alice TRITES (Margaret Jocelyn PATTERSON , Minnie Ray JOHNSON , Thomas Miner JOHNSON ).
Margaret married John Kenneth RICHARDSON.
They had the following children.
19493 F i Catherine Ann RICHARDSON. 19494 F ii Sarah Elizabeth RICHARDSON. 19495 M iii Jonathan Michael RICHARDSON.
16558. John Patterson TRITES (Margaret Jocelyn PATTERSON , Minnie Ray JOHNSON , Thomas Miner JOHNSON ).
John married Janet Jean WADLYN.
They had the following children.
19496 F i Marsha Janice TRITES. 19497 F ii Jennifer Alice TRITES.