How to Join The Thomas Minor Society

Membership in the Thomas Minor Society is open to any individual interested in the purposes of the Society and particularly to those who are descendants of Thomas Minor (1608 – 1690). Membership is obtained by completing a membership application and submitting that completed application with a check or money order (payable to the Thomas Minor Society) to the Genealogist of the Society.

The membership application consists of two parts: (1) A page giving your name, address, and line of descent from Thomas (if applicable), and (2) a completed family group sheet for your immediate family.

These two parts can be printed by clicking on the Membership Application link.

You may then pay your dues online selecting either Annual Dues ($15.60 if paid online) or Lifetime Dues ($257.70).

Current members may also pay annual dues or upgrade to lifetime membership by using the payment buttons below.

To pay and join by mail, enclose a check for $15.00 USD (Annual Membership) or $250 USD (Lifetime Membership) payable to The Thomas Minor Society with your completed application and mail them to:

Elaine H Wood
Genealogist, Thomas Minor Society
915 West 630 North
Orem, UT 84057-3611

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